When a person is facing divorce, this can be a very disorienting and lonely time for them. It is also a time when they may well be more vulnerable and suggestible.
If you are facing divorce, and there is no fundamental dispute or you have already agreed a financial settlement, it would generally be more beneficial for you to avoid using a solicitor.
You may be under the impression that you have no choice in the matter, or you may not be sufficiently confident to deal with the court process directly.
Sadly, it is all too often the case that parties having already agreed upon an amicable divorce, are subsequently encouraged by a solicitor to adopt a far more aggressive attitude towards their spouse. The suggestion being that they are entitled to a larger financial settlement. As a result, the acting solicitor generates a far greater amount of legal fees, and yet both divorcing parties and their children have almost certainly suffered unnecessary stress and anxiety.
The administrative process of divorce is uncomplicated and needn’t be an emotional or financial hardship. We provide an impartial and effective guidance service, solely designed to achieve your objectives, and no more. We charge £25.00 per hour and rarely require greater than 8 hours to complete the work required of us.
For further details please go to our Non-Contentious Divorce page.
You should also consider that once a divorce and its financial settlement are finalized, this will have an impact upon your Will. Thereafter, the spouse from which you are now divorced shall no longer be recognized in any capacity within your Will. This can lead to the failure of gifts upon your death, so you should arrange a new Will to reflect your post-divorce wishes.
For more information please go to our Wills page.
The same consideration applies if you have a registered Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) in place. You may need to revoke such LPA and arrange new post-divorce documents.
Please refer to our Power of attorney page for further details.
Please be assured that you can call Michael Cotterill on (01392) 949003 or 07784 028708 on a no consultation fees and no obligation basis. If you prefer, please email him using – michaelcotterill@trfwills.co.uk.