We provide full support and guidance throughout the NHS Care Funding process

NHS Care Funding
Must I pay for my own Residential or In-Home Care if I own Assets?
The value of your assets is irrelevant for HEALTH care and is only relevant for SOCIAL care. Legally, all UK citizens ordinarily resident in the UK are entitled to free HEALTH care under the National Health Service (NHS), whether in hospital, at home or in a residential care facility.
Unfortunately, for many reasons which include the application process being flawed, an overly complicated administrative system which is confusing to most of its employees, and the NHS being motivated by financial rather than medical objectives, it very often incorrectly denies funding.
If a care need can be identified as SOCIALLY related (such as isolation or lack of mobility) rather than HEALTH related (paralysis, malnutrition, etc.), then the NHS will determine that care should NOT be funded by them and be provided through a local authority or privately instead. This means that if a person has assets valued greater than £23,250, INCLUDING RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY when it is not occupied by anyone else, then the patient must pay for their own SOCIAL care using their assets in excess of this amount. (Please note that a patient would also be expected to CONTRIBUTE TO their SOCIAL care from funds or assets they have valued at greater than £14,250 but less than £23,250). It is common for a local authority to continue to request excessive payment of care fees from a person after their funds have been depleted to below these thresholds, so that person or their representatives must be continually vigilant.
Many people with long-term health needs are wrongly refused NHS Care funding, and people with long-term social care needs are wrongly pressured into giving away their interest in a property.
We provide full support and guidance throughout this process for people and their relatives. Costs which may be incurred during this process are solely those of NECESSARY EXPENSES incurred by us for providing the appropriate support and guidance. This may include occasional travel expenses for attending assessments and/or funding appeal meetings, as well as essential administration costs which are relatively minor. Such expenses have reduced since the global pandemic of 2020/21 as many meetings are now held online.
Avoid Losing a Deceased Spouse’s Estate Value to Needlessly Covering your Subsequent Potential Care Costs
No fees are due at any time during the assessment process (or appeal process if relevant) to TRF, however if we are ultimately successful in obtaining Care Funding for someone, a fee of 10% of the equivalent annual privately funded care fees falls due to us by that person or their representatives, minus any expense costs they have already paid (Subject to a maximum of £5,000, and there is NO additional VAT charge).
For perspective, the average cost of permanent care in the UK is in more than £3,000 per month. Therefore, a successful application or appeal for Care Funding would save a patient or their relatives more than £36,000 per year.
Please note that Care Funding continues to be assessable after it has been granted, and if a person’s need(s) recede(s) sufficiently, then such funding may cease to be available.
It is also extremely important for a patient to arrange Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) whilst they maintain their mental capacity. This makes the process of obtaining eligible funding or appealing a refusal for funding far easier should that person lose their mental capacity at any time thereafter. Finally, if NHS funding for healthcare is declined for genuine reasons, a patient may still be entitled to Funding for Nursing Care, which is a state contribution towards their privately funded care fees.
Please contact us for an initial conversation or call without cost or obligation
01392 949003 or 07784 028708
If you are unable to find the information you need on this site, then please contact Michael Cotterill, WITHOUT COST OR OBLIGATION, on either
01392 949003 or 07784 028708
If you prefer, you can email him at michaelcotterill@trfwills.co.uk
Thank you for taking the time to visit our website.