You could choose to create your own Do-it-Yourself (DIY) Will rather than consult a specialist. This would almost certainly be a “cheap” course of action. Likewise, you could undertake your own dentistry, defend yourself in court against a wrongful accusation of a serious crime or unilaterally educate your children up to degree level. These would …
The Importance of Secure Will Document Storage
Wills are unique documents because you can really only have one legally valid version at any one time, other than additional foreign Wills, and so it is vital we have secure will document storage. We can have legally valid certified copies of many types of documents which can be provided as evidence of a document’s …
Joint Tenancy v Tenancy in Common – Devon Wills
We receive queries on this subject regularly, so this post is designed to help answer those common questions or misconceptions. If you hold your property as “Joint Tenants” with another person, you may decide that you want to change the ownership, so it is held as “Tenants in Common” instead. This will then enable you …
Should You Review your Existing Will – Devon Will Writer’s Response
Dealing with your Will once and then forgetting about it can be likened to having just one dental check-up in your entire life We recommend that you review your Will every 3-5 years. This is to make sure that your Will still serves your current wishes. We also recommend reviewing your planning when there is …
Should You Review your Existing Will – Devon Will Writer’s ResponseRead More
The Benefits of Using a Professional “Will Writer”
So what are the benefits of using a professional will writer? Some people understandably believe that they will get a superior product and service if they use a solicitor rather than a professional Will Writer. However, a Will is either legally valid or it is not, whether it is provided by a solicitor or a …
Devon Will Writer – Tenancy in Common Explained
If you own a property jointly with at least one other person, you may own it together as “Joint Tenants” or you may own it together as “Joint Tenants in Common”, as a leading Devon Will Writer I can help. What is the difference? Owning a property as Joint Tenants means that the co-owners are …