Legally, if a person’s need for care is primarily health related, then they qualify for free health care under the NHS, either in their own home or in a residential nursing facility. However, if the need for care is primarily convenience based (otherwise known as social needs), then a person will be assessed (means-tested) for …
Why do I need a VALID Will? Devon Will Writing Service
So why do you need a valid will? Research from Royal London suggests that 54% of the UK adult population do NOT have a valid up to date Will. A Will may be invalid for various reasons including the fact that it may not have been signed properly, you may have married since signing your …
Why do I need a VALID Will? Devon Will Writing ServiceRead More
Who can Contest a Will or Make a Claim Against a Estate? Devon Will Writer
When someone does not inherit from an estate but believes that they should, they may have grounds to contest a Will of a deceased person or contest the law of intestacy if there is no Will. Whether they will be successful with their claim depends upon numerous factors including whether they were financially dependent upon …
Who can Contest a Will or Make a Claim Against a Estate? Devon Will WriterRead More
Avoid Accidentally Disinheriting your Children from your Estate – Devon Will Writer
Traditionally, first deceased spouse’s naturally wish for their estate to pass to their surviving spouse, and then to their children thereafter. An increasing modern problem is that once the estate passes to a surviving spouse, the entire estate value is then deemed to belong legally and solely to that surviving spouse, so you can therefore …
Avoid Accidentally Disinheriting your Children from your Estate – Devon Will WriterRead More
Why is the Security of a Will Document Important? Experience of a Devon Will Writer.
There are certain circumstances whereby the location and security of a Will are crucial. When your spouse is NOT the biological parent of your children is a very important example of this. It is increasingly common that people who remarry or cohabit after their previous spouse has died, wish for their new spouse or partner …
Why is the Security of a Will Document Important? Experience of a Devon Will Writer.Read More
Should You Review your Existing Will – Devon Will Writer’s Response
Dealing with your Will once and then forgetting about it can be likened to having just one dental check-up in your entire life We recommend that you review your Will every 3-5 years. This is to make sure that your Will still serves your current wishes. We also recommend reviewing your planning when there is …
Should You Review your Existing Will – Devon Will Writer’s ResponseRead More
The Benefits of Using a Professional “Will Writer”
So what are the benefits of using a professional will writer? Some people understandably believe that they will get a superior product and service if they use a solicitor rather than a professional Will Writer. However, a Will is either legally valid or it is not, whether it is provided by a solicitor or a …
Devon Will Writer – Tenancy in Common Explained
If you own a property jointly with at least one other person, you may own it together as “Joint Tenants” or you may own it together as “Joint Tenants in Common”, as a leading Devon Will Writer I can help. What is the difference? Owning a property as Joint Tenants means that the co-owners are …
Why do I Need a Will?
Why do I need a Will you may ask, well apart from the widely accepted consequence that a person or people may not inherit from you if you do not have a legally valid Will, let us also look at some less obvious reasons as to why having a VALID Will is so important. Are …
A Day in the Life of a Devon Will Writer
My name is Michael Cotterill, and I am a professional Devon Will Writer. What does an average day look like for me? Although no two days are the same, I outline below some common occurrences. Of course, taking client instructions then creating their resulting Wills and Will documentation is part of most days. Most people …
Solicitor v Professional Will Writer for Wills, Lasting Power of Attorney & Probate
A Will is either legally valid, or it is not. Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) is either successfully registered with a court, or it is not. Grant of Probate is either obtained or it is not. Therefore, the choice of how these are achieved is one solely for a potential client wishing to arrange either …
Solicitor v Professional Will Writer for Wills, Lasting Power of Attorney & ProbateRead More
Property Ownership – Joint Tenants or Joint Tenants in Common?
What is the difference between owning a property JOINTLY with another person, and JOINTLY as TENANTS IN COMMON? If you own a property JOINTLY with another person, regardless of whether you have a Will or not, in the event of either death, the survivor inherits the deceased’s share of that property. If you own a …
Property Ownership – Joint Tenants or Joint Tenants in Common?Read More