You may think that if you become unavailable to run your own business for a short or longer term, then your family and/or friends have an automatic legal right to act upon your behalf in relation to your business. They do NOT. Likewise, business partners and employees do not automatically have this right unless there …
Ignore Lasting Power of Attorney at yours and your Family’s Peril
What is Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA)? Power of Attorney, or Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) as it is better known, is an official safety net whereby you can officially nominate, in advance, your choice of a person or people who may legally act upon your behalf either if you subsequently cease to be capable …
Ignore Lasting Power of Attorney at yours and your Family’s PerilRead More
Enduring Power of Attorney (EPA) v Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA)
You may have an Enduring Power of Attorney (EPA) in which you have appointed people you know and trust, or a professional, to act as your attorney(s). This may be to help you manage your affairs now or limited to allow your attorneys to make decisions for you in future if you lose the mental …
Enduring Power of Attorney (EPA) v Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA)Read More