So what are the benefits of using a professional will writer? Some people understandably believe that they will get a superior product and service if they use a solicitor rather than a professional Will Writer. However, a Will is either legally valid or it is not, whether it is provided by a solicitor or a …
Why Should I Consider Lasting Power of Attorney More Seriously?
Power of Attorney, or Lasting Power of Attorney as it is also known, is an official safety net whereby you can officially nominate, in advance, a person or people who may legally act upon your behalf either if you cease to be capable of making your own decisions for any reason, or if you choose …
Why Should I Consider Lasting Power of Attorney More Seriously?Read More
NHS Care Funding – Know your Rights!
Must I pay for my own Residential or In-Home Care if I own Assets? The value of your assets is irrelevant for HEALTH care and is only relevant for SOCIAL care. Legally, all UK citizens ordinarily resident in the UK are entitled to free HEALTH care under the National Health Service (NHS), whether in hospital, at …
A Day in the Life of a Devon Will Writer
My name is Michael Cotterill, and I am a professional Devon Will Writer. What does an average day look like for me? Although no two days are the same, I outline below some common occurrences. Of course, taking client instructions then creating their resulting Wills and Will documentation is part of most days. Most people …
Solicitor v Professional Will Writer for Wills, Lasting Power of Attorney & Probate
A Will is either legally valid, or it is not. Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) is either successfully registered with a court, or it is not. Grant of Probate is either obtained or it is not. Therefore, the choice of how these are achieved is one solely for a potential client wishing to arrange either …
Solicitor v Professional Will Writer for Wills, Lasting Power of Attorney & ProbateRead More
Having a Will and Lasting Power of Attorney is a Good Idea, but these Don’t Apply to me.
Why doesn’t everyone protect against the problems which result from not having a valid Will or Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA)? The answer is three-fold. Firstly, many people believe that ignoring the problem means that it will go away. Secondly, some people believe that they have already done everything that they need to do, and …
Having a Will and Lasting Power of Attorney is a Good Idea, but these Don’t Apply to me.Read More
Who am I Burdening if I do NOT have Lasting Power of Attorney in Place?
For a number of years, I had advised an existing client with increasing ill-health to arrange Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA). Her response was generally dismissive as she felt it unlikely that she would lose her capacity to make decisions. Last Summer, she suffered a serious stroke and is now being cared for in a …
Who am I Burdening if I do NOT have Lasting Power of Attorney in Place?Read More
Lasting Power of Attorney – The True Cost of Ignoring It
People with fire insurance, whose home subsequently burns down, consider such insurance to be a wonderful thing. Those whose home does not burn down, may well consider their insurance contributions to have been a waste of money. Likewise, the representatives of a person who already has registered Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) in place when …
Lasting Power of Attorney – The True Cost of Ignoring ItRead More
Avoid Solicitors for Non-Contentious Divorce
When a person is facing divorce, this can be a very disorienting and lonely time for them. It is also a time when they may well be more vulnerable and suggestible. If you are facing divorce, and there is no fundamental dispute or you have already agreed a financial settlement, it would generally be more …