When a person is facing divorce, this can be a very disorienting and lonely time for them. It is also a time when they may well be more vulnerable and suggestible. If you are facing divorce, and there is no fundamental dispute or you have already agreed a financial settlement, it would generally be more …
Professional Will Writing Service in Devon, or Local Solicitor?
A Will is either legally valid or it is not. Therefore, you don’t need to use a local solicitor firm, provided that you use an equally qualified and appropriately insured professional Will Writing company as an alternative. Very often, solicitor firms operate with high office costs, and routinely pass these costs onto their clients. We …
Professional Will Writing Service in Devon, or Local Solicitor?Read More
Automatic Organ Donation Since Spring 2020.
We are now all organ donors by default, unless we actively request not to be through the National Health Service (NHS). If you do not wish to donate your organs or any other body tissue after your death, then go to https://www.organdonation.nhs.uk/ for further details. If you wish to donate your body tissue for transplant …